Cette image d'ampoules colorées sert à illustrer l'effet de 'déclic' provoqué par la série de conférences ultra-qualitatives sur l'avenir de la mode organisées par les Galeries Lafayette Haussmann - auxquelles j'ai assisté dernièrement. D'avance, je m'excuse de la longueur de ce post - même si j'ai essayé de résumer les idées principales le plus succinctement possible. Donc au menu, il y avait une prestigieuse brochette de professionnels de la mode de A à Z qui, avec beaucoup de précision et de simplicité, ont construit des tables rondes captivantes ouvrant d'importantes lignes d'horizons pour le secteur de la mode français et international.
J'ai tout particulièrement retenu les propos de Bénédicte Epinay - la fondatrice/rédactrice en chef du supplément des Echos 'Série limitée' - qui, à travers son magazine vise à montrer la transversalité totale qui existe aujourd'hui dans le luxe global. Son pari post-moderniste est complètement réussi et lui permet de proposer une vision abordable du luxe 'high-low' dans laquelle son lectorat tout entier peut se reconnaître. Si je puis dire, cette démarche est bien à l'opposé, d'entre autres, le supplément 'How to Spend it' vendu avec le Financial Times qui, même si je l'apprécie énormément, peut provoquer en période de crise quelques frustrations chez les lecteurs de part la nature inabordable de l'offre proposée. J'ai donc complètement adhéré à l'initiative de Bénédicte Epinay pour son prochain numéro. Celui-ci sera entièrement blanc pour reprendre l'idée de la 'page blanche' et proposer des dynamiques nouvelles pour affronter le nouveau monde que nous sommes tous en train d'expérimenter.
Parmi d'autres interventions, Jean-Jacques Picart - aka THE consultant marketing Français en luxe et mode - a beaucoup insisté sur l'importance de la notion de 'différence' recherchée par les consommateurs. Celle-ci va de pair avec l'authenticité et le lien affectif qui semblent mener le monde nouveau dans lequel on vit, beaucoup moins attaché aux symboles matérialistes. Celui-ci semble être plus en quête d'exclusivité + de rareté = d'unique. Dans ce sens, le rôle majeur de la personnalisation et de l'éthique lors de la création de nouvelles marques et de concepts pour les marchés du luxe et de la mode devient de plus en plus évident. A ce sujet, Nelly Rodi (fondatrice du bureau de style/tendances du même nom) et Clarisse Perrotti-Reille (à la base de la Charte de bonnes pratiques envers les Façonniers Français) parlent même d'une économie de 'sens' qui se plierait aux nouvelles exigences des consommateurs, qui, lors de l'achat d'un produit (quel que soit son prix) recherchent simultanément, au-delà de la qualité, un Art de vivre de plus en plus attaché aux notions de sincérité et de respect. D'autre part, le 'made in France' étant trop sérieusement concurrencé à l'international, les opportunités de l'industrie de la mode Française résident surtout dans les mélanges forts entre la haute-technicité du savoir-faire Français et la capacité de commercialisation internationale d'expériences créatives, personnelles, technologiques et éthiques des nouvelles générations. A partir de là, un champ de possibilités infinies s'ouvre.
L'équipe des Galeries Lafayette démontre une fois de plus son expertise à anticiper puis capter l'air du temps et marque son soutien constant au milieu de la mode qui vit encore plus fort :-)
This image showing coloured lights illustrates the 'click' impact I had when attending the ultra-qualitative series of conferences on the future of fashion organized by Galeries Lafayette Haussmann (Paris). Sorry for the long text ... I tried my best to sum-up the main ideas as succinctly as possible. So on the menu, there was a prestigious 'brochette' of fashion professionals from A to Z who debated with great precision and simplicity captivating round-table talks opening significant horizon lines for the French and international fashion sector.
I especially clicked on the comments from Bénédicte Epinay, the founder/editor of 'Série Limitée' the supplement of French newspaper Les Echos who throughout her magazine aims to show today's total transversality within global luxury. In fact, this is a post-modernist challenge she astutely achieves allowing to offer an affordable 'high-low' luxury vision that her extensive readership feels identified to. This is a very different approach compared to many magazines - I'm thinking in particular of 'How to spend it' from the FT that although I really enjoy reading can perhaps provoke in credit crunch times frustrations from many readers in terms of the non-affordability of what's on offer. Therefore, I completely adored Bénédicte Epinay's initiative for her next issue that will be entirely white to represent the idea of a blank page and involve new dynamics to fit in with the new world we are all experimenting.
Amongst many other speakers, Jean-Jacques Picart aka THE notorious French luxury & fashion marketing consultant clearly insisted on the importance of the very notion of 'difference' pursued by consumers. It is completed by the search of authenticity and the affective link that seem to rule in the new world we are living in - a lot less attached to materialistic symbolics ... and more in quest of exclusivity + scarcity = uniqueness! In this sense, personnalisation and ethics are evidently playing a major role when it comes to create new brands and concepts for the luxury/fashion markets.
Actually, Nelly Rodi (founder of the international trends/style bureau of the same name) and Clarisse Perrotti-Reille (at the basis of the new Chart-agreement of good practises towards French fashion craftsmanship) even spoke about an economy of 'sense' that responds to consumer new demands when purchasing a product (whatever its price) as one simultaneously looks for great quality and a certain Art de vivre more and more attached to notions of sincerity and respect. There is also too much international competition for the 'made in France' so opportunities for the French fashion industry are definitely into strongly mixing the haute-technicity of French craftsmanship together with the ability to distribute internationally experiences that are creative, personal, technological and ethical proposed by new generations. From there, infinite possibilities are wide open.
The team at Galeries Lafayette proves once more its expertise to anticipate and capture the fashion flair of the moment and showing its constant support to the fashion world that lives stronger, better, faster :-) (in reference to G.L.'s department store slogan)
I especially clicked on the comments from Bénédicte Epinay, the founder/editor of 'Série Limitée' the supplement of French newspaper Les Echos who throughout her magazine aims to show today's total transversality within global luxury. In fact, this is a post-modernist challenge she astutely achieves allowing to offer an affordable 'high-low' luxury vision that her extensive readership feels identified to. This is a very different approach compared to many magazines - I'm thinking in particular of 'How to spend it' from the FT that although I really enjoy reading can perhaps provoke in credit crunch times frustrations from many readers in terms of the non-affordability of what's on offer. Therefore, I completely adored Bénédicte Epinay's initiative for her next issue that will be entirely white to represent the idea of a blank page and involve new dynamics to fit in with the new world we are all experimenting.
Amongst many other speakers, Jean-Jacques Picart aka THE notorious French luxury & fashion marketing consultant clearly insisted on the importance of the very notion of 'difference' pursued by consumers. It is completed by the search of authenticity and the affective link that seem to rule in the new world we are living in - a lot less attached to materialistic symbolics ... and more in quest of exclusivity + scarcity = uniqueness! In this sense, personnalisation and ethics are evidently playing a major role when it comes to create new brands and concepts for the luxury/fashion markets.
Actually, Nelly Rodi (founder of the international trends/style bureau of the same name) and Clarisse Perrotti-Reille (at the basis of the new Chart-agreement of good practises towards French fashion craftsmanship) even spoke about an economy of 'sense' that responds to consumer new demands when purchasing a product (whatever its price) as one simultaneously looks for great quality and a certain Art de vivre more and more attached to notions of sincerity and respect. There is also too much international competition for the 'made in France' so opportunities for the French fashion industry are definitely into strongly mixing the haute-technicity of French craftsmanship together with the ability to distribute internationally experiences that are creative, personal, technological and ethical proposed by new generations. From there, infinite possibilities are wide open.
The team at Galeries Lafayette proves once more its expertise to anticipate and capture the fashion flair of the moment and showing its constant support to the fashion world that lives stronger, better, faster :-) (in reference to G.L.'s department store slogan)
Hello Sylvia
ReplyDeletemerciiii beaucoup pour cet article!tout pleins d'informations et de renseignements!!
je surlike!!!!!!!
Merci pour ce post Sylvia !
ReplyDeleteJ'adore te lire !
loved reading this post!! :D you're so cute. i love the way you write
ReplyDeletethanks for the sweet comment over at my blog! :D
Trés interessant cet article!
ReplyDeleteEt merci pour ton commentaire, il m'a vraiment fait trés plaisir! ; )
ça avait l'air vraiment intéressant ! :)